You are small & tiny,
Ever so cute.
You are the love of two people,
Growing in the love of many.
You are the little smiles,
Big but little yawns.
You won’t be little forever,
But it will always be a part of
How you entered this world.
Cocooned & cared for,
Ready to take on the next squeaky burp.
You make hearts swell with love,
And your eyes make me see the world as you do.
Nice & new,
Everything so fresh & unknown
Wait until the world starts to grow.
It takes on this golden hue.
Of leaves on trees & people on the streets.
Of mountains & valleys,
That go on and on,
Ready for you to grow & explore.
There’s more.
Your world is already full of so much love.
This will just get bigger & bigger,
With cuddles & kindness,
Praise & understanding.
Your world is just beginning.
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