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Top 5 Self-Development Books + Bonus Podcast

Are you finding you have unlimited time in the day? Or are you overwhelmed with how much you can get done in isolation and feel like you’re smashing through the to-do list? Only coming up for air when it’s time to sleep? Time to work on your self-development.

Books have always been my greatest escape. Fiction books to be precise and this may be obvious because my second greatest escape is writing them. Over the first quarter of this year I have challenged myself to read and listen to non-fiction audiobooks to better educate myself in an effective way. I believe in personal growth and development being at the forefront of my life.

The books I’ve read are incredible in their own way, each flowing with golden nuggets of wisdom and practical tools to put into effect. If not now, then when? (A quote from someone, from somewhere).

Now is the best time to listen, educate yourself and work on harnessing your creativity and productivity. The following is my list of self-development and growth books to get stuck into.

Tip: I listened to most of these on audiobook because I find it easier to digest non-fiction.


Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

The audiobook version is high up on my recommendations as her voice is incredibly engaging. Maybe because of her Jersey accent but she sounds fierce and it sparks activity. Marie Forleo runs an online coaching programme called B School and she created Everything Is Figureoutable to share her life moto with the world.

Since finishing this book, I’ve found myself in testing situations and her phrase lightens the load and helps me keep composure.

There are incredible activities at the end of most chapters and I took to writing the questions out and answering them one at a time. The first question is ‘Why did you pick up this book? What is it that you want to solve/change/figure out? What’s the most important change?’

Her activities will help you work on your personal goal barriers with her personal stories and wit shining through as entertainment. Let’s start changing our present, there’s no better time than the present to work on your present.

Why We Sleep: Unlocking The Power Of Sleep And Dreams by Matthew Walker

This is more of an educational book by expert Matthew Walker on the research, tests and facts about sleep and why it is vital to get a good night’s rest. Self-development is about your mental and physical health and tracking your goals. But the level of your productivity will always come down to the quality of your sleep.

Read or listen to this book for insight into how your body works, the effects of caffeine, alcohol, tiredness versus being drunk. He delves into which is worse and why. There are suggestions for how to get a good night’s sleep and changing habits and setting routines to do so. I found the case studies fascinating.

This is one book in which the author will not be offended if you fall asleep. You’re also welcome to start at any chapter you please.


The Life Plan: Simple Strategies for a Meaningful Life by Shannah Kennedy

Here’s another book that offers a tonne of activities to get you to the core of your values and working around what’s important to you. Personally I found the first chapter the hardest to get through as it asks all the questions you may want to avoid, but once that’s complete the rest is a breeze.

It is a very aesthetically pleasing book and the images inside are inspiring and bring light to your development. This is a great read for those who are a bit unsure of what they want to do and where they want to go in life. Here’s a great starter to acknowledging your goals, setting your habits and reading how Shannah has done this for herself.

Being in self-isolation and having time throughout the day or in between working from home is a perfect scenario to get started. This leads me nicely onto the next book which delves further into every aspect of your dream life.

Self-development books

Your Dream Life Starts Here: Essential And Simple Steps To Creating The Life Of Your Dreams by Kristina Karlsson

If you have many dreams (I believe your dreams and goals are one and the same) then this incredible book is something I endorse to everyone who has dreams (which is EVERYONE).

Kristina takes you through her life, how she started her business and she also features other inspirational entrepreneurs and how they got started on the journey of their dream life. There are activities and plenty of resources such as her Dream Life podcast. This is the book that ultimately got my goals into actions, split my actions down further and made them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely).

I cannot express enough how life-changing this book is if you’re ready for it. You’ll be equipped with the best tools to plan and do the things you’ve always wanted. There’s so much depth to this book that I cannot cover it all but insist you give it a read.


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

I found this to be an easy but empowering read. There are no activities or self-growth mantras and sometimes you just need to take it all in and leave the action until later. Mark Manson is talking about what to give a f*ck about instead of caring for every single tiny detail.

At times an uncomfortable read because he’s throwing so many hard truths your way and you’ll have nowhere to duck while in self-isolation. There are a lot of facts and examples along with a ‘no nonsense’ approach to what you should care about.

The narration on the audio version was brilliant.


BONUS: Podcast

Habits for Happiness: 10 Daily Steps For Living Your Happiest Life by Dr Tim Sharp

This podcast covers easy and measurable tips on effectively working on your happiness. Now is the time to assert new habits, break old ones if needed and take time to be patient with yourself.

These measurable and specific habits for happiness are told to you by Australian Dr Tim Sharp, also known as Dr Happy!


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