Make sure you read the first part of this interview here before getting a bit deeper into Carmen’s West Coast trip and finding out about tougher backpacking moments. Carmen grew up in a small town in the Netherlands and…
Potato Farming, Hostel Living & Backpacking 101
Here I talk to Carmen about hostel living, potato farming in Australia for her working holiday visa and the ins and outs of getting jobs in Oz. She also talks about jaw-dropping moments along the West Coast, meeting her…
Sydney Suburbs, One-Way Tickets & Banana Farming
One of the first fast friends I made in Australia, Becca is another well-seasoned backpacker who talks about her working holiday and living in Sydney. Here we go in depth about her one-way ticket from Northern Ireland and Thailand,…
Toronto Work Scene, Ski Season and Evacuating Whistler-Covid-19, Canada
Kesvi is a spontaneous traveller who loves going where the nightlife is thriving and here she talks to me about Canada. Her passion and drive to see new places and experience cultures is why I couldn’t stop asking her…
Victoria Edwards is a seasoned traveller and a friend I met while backpacking in Australia. Here I talked to her about moving to New Zealand and finding work while travelling. Each experience is unique and Victoria’s travel tales are…
The chatter all around us was infectious, we had made it in time up Srđ on a packed sweat-box cable car to then spill out onto one of Croatia’s most spectacular rooftop restaurants. The air was thickly humid at…
How many times have you had that question asked over the last week of your isolation? Sometimes life prepares us well for boredom and in my case and plenty of others I know, this is a sweet ride compared…
The countryside train for Gaeta waited at the platform, passengers taking the last draw from their smokes before moving onto the next stop. Fumare; the explanation with a quick smile & shrug of acknowledgement from the train conductor. Only…